Crypto Isn't Dead...and neither are we!

A Decentralized Vision
According to a recent survey, around 5% of Americans now hold or use Bitcoin. While this doesn’t exactly sound impressive, America isn’t the place that needs a decentralized currency the most.

World’s Fastest Blockchain meets the Coolest Hardware Wallet
Waves has been described as the fastest blockchain in the world, however other hardware wallet manufacturers have been sluggish to adopt this revolutionary technology.

Owning Bitcoin Gets Easier in 2018 With the Launch of Cold Storage Coins™
Many people agree Bitcoin is risky business. Sure, we’ve all heard those inspiring stories about folks winning big with Bitcoin, and becoming overnight millionaires. But equally, we’re well aware of the stories of those who lose their digital fortune to theft, acts of God, or general carelessness. And between highly volatile markets, opportunistic hackers, and general human error, it’s not surprising to hear people say, “It’s just not worth the effort”.

How To Safely Hold Bitcoin, Even When It Seems Like The Price Is Out To Get You
It’s hard to ignore the excitement and anxiety surrounding cryptocurrency trading. Every day cryptocurrency news headlines scream “Great NEWS! Wall Street Goes Bitcoin!” followed by “BAD NEWS! The Sky Is Falling”! By December 10th 2017 we reached fever pitch as the first Bitcoin futures began trading on CBOE. Within days the price had rocketed another $4k, finally reaching an all-time high of $20k seven days later.

The Real Truth About The Bitcoin Bubble
You and I, we need to talk about the bubble shaped elephant in the room.If you’re talking about crashes, bubbles and the doom around cryptocurrency prices like Bitcoin, there’s a good chance you’ve been swayed by the deafening hype of speculative investors. You’ve ignored the fundamentals of economic theory, and been blinded to what’s really happening with the value of Bitcoin.
Have a new coin idea? Want to talk about an existing order? Looking for information about a new product coming soon? Our team is here to help! Reach out!
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Cold Storage Coins by Blockchain Mint
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