Our Story

We know All about Alternative currencies
In 2008, our team started the American Open Currency Standard, helping communities keep money local by bartering with good old-fashioned copper, silver and gold coins! Over the years, we created millions of coins for various causes, and even ended up starting our own private mint!
We Gave Bitcoin a physical form in 2011.
Created first as a commemorative copper coin, with the help of a few friends we designed and minted what has since become the most famous coin in the world!

In 2012, We even testified in United States Congress!
Invited as an expert witness, Rob Gray testified in the United States House Financial Services Domestic Monetary Policty Subcommittee regarding Complementary Currencies: The Roadmap to Monetary Freedom. It was Texas Congressman Ron Paul's final hearing before retirement from government.
In 2017, we pioneered the bitcoin cold storage wallet
After 6 months of trial and testing, we perfected a method by which we laser-etch a cryptocurrency private key QR code onto a coin surface. The resulting code is reliable and easy to scan.

100,000+ coins in circulation with 100% accuracy
With more than 6 years of experience manufacturing our Cold Storage Coins, we're pleased to report that not a single coin has failed ever. Cold Storage Coins are surely the easiest, safest and most reliable way to store crypto offline. Manufacturing integrity is our top priority!
Have a new coin idea? Want to talk about an existing order? Looking for information about a new product coming soon? Our team is here to help! Reach out!
+1 (972) 805 2434
Mon-Fri 8:30-5:30 pm
Or reach us via email at
BlockchainMint.com USA
424 Rose Garden Drive
McKinney, Texas 75072
+1 972 805 2434
Cold Storage Coins by Blockchain Mint
- the easiest way to own Bitcoin - Ethereum - Litecoin - Bitcoin Cash - Binance - Doge - Shiba Inu - Monero - and many more cryptocurrencies.
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